Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Precious Metals Breakout Time?

Sorry for being absent for so long, I have been working on "real things"

Every month or every few weeks I tally my diverse Precious Metals assets.  

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Palladium
  4. Platinum

In the last 2 months, the grand total has never deviated more than .25% in all of 4 data points. 

That is extremely odd, and tells me that perhaps, this is a pause before a breakout.

Food is way up already this year and will get worse, California drought, overall more eratic weather.    I have been setting up my food production systems and orchard.   Been Hella busy on many projects.   

Continued to invest in hard assets, even doing direct lending on fix and flip mortgage with strong financials, rate of return around 20% per annum.