Wednesday, April 13, 2011


A reader at MISH blog is bullish, and I agree, bullish on a few things:

I am bullish on Weapons manufacturers.

I am bullish on Food manufacturers.

I am bullish on Funeral Homes.

I am bullish on Shanghai, China.

I am bullish on AutoZone.

I am bullish on Canada Pharmacy.

I am bullish on Generic Drug manufacturers.

I am bullish on Vancouver, BC.

I am bullish on Washington, D.C. 

From Dnarby:
Bullish on
Seed companies
Booze Manufacturers
Bicycle Manufacturers
Great ideas!

Please chime in on things that you are bullish on:

Geiger counter manufacturers
Water filtratration manufacturers

Ammo manufacturers
Virtual meeting providers

Even better, someone come up with 50 tickers to represent this group

1 comment:

Insightful and Useful Comment!