Friday, July 5, 2019

California Quake Swarm -- Unusual, and Deserving Great Attention - I'll Show You Why

stock here.

Great, after promoting a great chemtrailing video, and hitting on other Deep State censorship issues....Blogger has effectively killed my site of 8 years of hard work, intuition, exposing the shit that is controlling us, bleeding us, poisoning us, and even through natural causes, just endangering us.

And now the great quake swarm of 2019, we warned of July 1, with a Geoeffective Coronal Hole (GCH)

In the last 5 years there have been 2045 EQ over 2.5M in this area.   In the last 2 days there have been over 200 concentrated over one area, including a 6+ and 5+.

Note that the classic drawn fault lines do not appear to be the "correct" fault lines, AND California looks like more of a fault field than a strict line.

Coronal Hole on Sun, Geo Effective, EQ Warning for West Coast

First published on July 1
stock here.   2019 continues with little to no sunspots.    And a recent uptick in larger, say 5 and 6

Even Coronal Holes (CH) have been limited and tended towards the poles.   Equatorial CH like this one spinning (left to right) into "Geoeffective" range, i.e. earth directed indicate that in this unusual EQ era, we can expect some sizable EQ.  

The recent activity at the Blanco fault off the west coast, makes me think California could take a big one, as this hole "hits" Earth.
magnitude EQ, over say 10 days.

Look up the Blanco Fault on Google Earth or whatever resource, the 90 degree angle is very concerning in my view, nothing like that exists on earth for what I know.
