Tokyo Electric also revealed that an emergency diesel power generator at the No. 6 reactor has been restarted and that the pumping of water to the fuel rod storage pools at the No. 5 and No. 6 reactors has been resumed. Both reactors had lost their cooling capabilities.Saturday, March 19, 2011 11:11 +0900 (JST)"Divide and conquer" eliminate minor hazards from becoming major hazards. Good work!
Heck, even the Yakuza are helping....after all they have a heart, and they know that how can you skim graft off of a broken country. Trust me, Japan will be back. They have education, a code of law, resources, and a great work ethic.
Yakuza helping!
PS --way at the bottom I have a bunch of links that inquiring minds may wish to review.
Now the other 4, in which various explosions have happened and it is clear that containment vessels and suppression pools have been breached (blown up) in some of them.
Spraying water from the outside is a stopgap measure at best, and may not work in some cases. The spent fuel and working fuels rods will continue to generate more heat through a fission process --- until they are brought fully under control. So spraying water generates radioactive steam, and then they heat up again, so they can spray more, and generate more radiation into the atmosphere.
If the fuel rods overheat, they can get to around 5000F and just melt through steel.
But what amazes me is that so much faith is being put into the "new electric lines", and there is no discussion of any other plan. Why would any thinking individual have any faith the electrical wiring, control systems, motors, pumps, and piping systems inside the blown up reactors buildings have any chance of functioning properly to "kill" the reaction. The odds seem like single digit percentages.

As you can see below, the suppression pool has many scientific principles---and our "experts" continue to exhibit an arrogant confidence -- after all they are the "best engineers" around, and convinced that their own efforts are infallible. They don't think about the black swans, and I wonder how good this design functions when it is blown up in a hydrogen explosion.
Pressure suppression pool mixing in passive advanced BWR plants
$ 31.50
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Robert E. GambleCorresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, a, Thuy T. Nguyena, Bharat S. Shiralkara, Per F. PetersonE-mail The Corresponding Author, b, Ralph Greifc and H. TabataE-mail The Corresponding Author, d
a GE Nuclear Energy, 175 Curtner Avenue M/C 365, San Jose, CA 95125, USA
b Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1730, USA
c Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1730, USA
d Japan Atomic Power Company, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
Received 5 July 2000;
accepted 5 July 2000
Available online 11 April 2001.
In the SBWR passive boiling water reactor, the long-term post-accident containment pressure is determined by the combination of noncondensible gas pressure and steam pressure in the wetwell gas space. The suppression pool (SP) surface temperature, which determines the vapor partial pressure, is very important to overall containment performance. Therefore, the thermal stratification of the SP due to blowdown is of primary importance. This work looks at the various phases and phenomena present during the blowdown event and identifies those that are important to thermal stratification, and the scaling necessary to model them in reduced size tests. This is important in determining which of the large body of blowdown to SP data is adequate for application to the stratification problem. The mixing by jets from the main vents is identified as the key phenomena influencing the thermal response of the suppression pool and analytical models are developed to predict the jet influence on thermal stratification. The analytical models are implemented into a system simulation code, TRACG, and used to model thermal stratification behavior in a scaled test facility. The results show good general agreement with the test data.
Article Outline
1. Introduction
2. Suppression pool transient phases and analysis
2.1. Vent clearing
2.1.1. Buoyant jet characterization
2.1.2. Forced turbulent jets
2.2. Noncondensible/steam injection
2.3. Steam discharge jet
3. Scaling
3.1. Scaled test facilities
4. Application using TRACG
4.1. Model implementation
4.2. Calculations and results
5. Conclusions
Appendix A. Nomenclature
Why Fukushima’s “spent” fuel rods will continue to catch fire
Daiichi Reactor Design
FEPC Information Sheet for Fukushima Daiichi on March 16 2011
Here is the latest technical publication from JAIF:
NEWS RELEASE: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, March 16, 2011
Japanese reactor fallout : MOX fuel rods conversion of Fukushima .#I
Daiichi Reactor Design
FEPC Information Sheet for Fukushima Daiichi on March 16 2011
Here is the latest technical publication from JAIF:
NEWS RELEASE: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, March 16, 2011
Japanese reactor fallout : MOX fuel rods conversion of Fukushima .#I