Please read the above if you wish to remove your nuclear tin foil hat. In fact, you will find that small amount of radiation "increase growth rates". I see, like maybe cancer perhaps, or general "growth" or mutations. Nice.
Where are the longest lived animals, say turtles--- in the ocean. Protected from a vast amount of background radiation and radiation from outer space.
Are mutations and Elliot Wave type "going off's" good for general evolution, sure? Do you want your kids mutating to take that 1 in 100,000 chance that the mutation will be better than the original product? Indeed, if you understand basic chemistry, basic cellular structure, and if you haven't been conditioned by a life time of subservience to the nuclear industry or products of war (depleted uranium as weapons, for instance), then it should be something beyond doubt that in the 100 year outlook, adding bunches of radiation to our environment is bad, very bad. Especially those that bio-accumulate, and those bone seekers like Strontium. And those that last a long time. And those that have much higher damages caused than just the occasional Alpha, Beta or Gamma particle release as they degrade into a lower level radioactive element, like uranium and plutonium which have drastic human effects beyond just the "iononizing" radiation