Thursday, July 14, 2011

Breakpoint Trades

Sign up to Breakpoint Trades. $40 per month. Look at any one of these trades....sure 2 losers so far, how does that compare to normal trading?

Use the link on the left side of my blog, it doesn't cost you any more and get me some credits, which help defray the cost and time of blogging for me.


  1. Wish they had more index choices.  SPY index is on waiting list.  Gold is open

  2. Matt told me they are going to open SPY pro trading system to limited number of people, but you must first be on the member list, then you buy the SPY system.    GDX mechanical system is a oldy but goody, they been tweaking it lately so you can be as simple as you want or run the closing trade more complicated, like after 12% gain take half off the table.


Insightful and Useful Comment!