Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fed Speak and a predicted H&S pattern

Wed tomorrow is Fed Speak at 2PM

I doubt that they will try to crash the market, With Cyprus brewing, they will be especially cautious of what they say.


Breakpoint Trades posted this possible pattern on Feb 22, and it is playing out pretty well,   

It is good to keep these medium term views in mind as the daily high jinks try to warp your opinion and get you in too soon and out too soon, and have too tight a stop.    Thats what the market wants from you, and of course, your money.

Sign up for BPT membership, its $240.00 per 6 months, and its tax deductible as an investing expense, so your net cost is probably $180.00 if you are in a 25% tax bracket.    That's $30 per month or less than the dollar menu per day.   

Sign up using the link on the right side, they give me some free membership time, which all helps.

And imagine a blog with real traders, moving real money, and no trolls, wow! BPT has that too, and I use it every trading day.

Right now, they are finding good Gold miners, and some juniors, the best patterns.

Trust me, it will be more healthy for your trading account than a 5 pack of chicken nuggets.


  1. A very good and informative article indeed. It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge, I really like the way the writer presented his views. Stock Tips

  2. The FED always makes announcements at the beginning or in the middle of an uptrend. So people will think the FED is responsable for this uptrend, but in fact markets are.

  3. Yep, keeping up the illusion of the wizard pulling the handles is important to them.

  4. Imagine there's no Fed http://mises.org/daily/4902

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Insightful and Useful Comment!