Friday, January 1, 2010

$4 Trillion Bailout and the $.50 power to harness the infinite power within yourself

If you have nothing better to do, read this balderdash.

Some year, we will all look back at this decade and say -- "it was so obvious" easy money bubbled up various asset classes, and finally we bubbled up the money supply, and that last bubble went with a bang.

We went to a Jinsha (Shrine) on New Years Day, as is tradition.  

It works like this:

  • You first clean your hands under a traditional water spout with rocks.  Cleanliness VERY important.
  • You make a small donation, ring a bell, clap a few times, bow, and be blessed by a Jinsha preist.   
  • Then drink a Sake (cleansing, even if at 11 AM)
  • Some Jinsha has a food, and a traditional Mochi soup with Bonito flakes really hit the spot.  These are given freely and you can donate at a different spot if you wish, so there is no pressure.

  • Finally, you have brought last years Omamori, and you place these in a bin....they have done their job.  And you can buy more of these good luck amulets, for business, vehicle, pet, or other special purposes.
And most important, for $.50 you can find out how to harness your own infinite energy and knowledge source.  Mine is attached below, this ought to be an excellent year.  In terms of speculation --- "just wait or you will lose".

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Insightful and Useful Comment!