Thursday, September 15, 2011

Satire, my coined LOLO Laughing Out Loud Ouch (truth is funny but it hurts)

From Daneric!

  • My signal system generated daily buy signals on the rest of Europe today. ( )

    Tokyo y Bombay also went on buys. With the rest of the US indices that I didn't already have on daily buys going on buys yesterday ( ) that leaves just Hong Kong and the All Ordinaries, and they are on incipient buys.

    As I mentioned yesterday, a trader's also got to be keeping an eye on those weekly charts now since a Friday close at current levels or above would trigger weekly buys as well.

    That's what I've got to share with normal folks without agendas who are just trying to trade shifting markets - which is to say everyone who isn't a "fact-bending, fear-mongering opportunist", as Felix Salmon of Reuters referred to Dan Ivandjiiski in this very interesting article. (Don't know what I'm talking about? Read it. I'm confident you'll be glad you did. As well as being good reading, it's also quite informative.)
  • What a kook that guy is -- believing that alumni of Goldman Sachs have formed a powerful cabal at the helm of U.S. policy, and that the Treasury and the Federal Reserve are colluding to preserve the status quo.  That's some crazy shit.  Hoo boy.

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